Corporate Social
& Environmental Responsibility
For over 30 years, we have built our reputation on strong values shared by all our employees around the world.
A differentiation strategy focused on value creation, quality and service
For over 25 years, our footprint has been built on strong values shared by all our employees around the world.
We are committed to a fairer collective and to maintaining an approach guided by the well-being of our employees and all our stakeholders. We also choose our suppliers, service providers and partners in accordance with the principles of integrity, loyalty and impartiality. Our priority is customer satisfaction, which is based on respect for the principles of integrity, honesty, loyalty and confidentiality.
We ensure compliance with the rules governing the protection of personal data and encourage employees to respect the framework set out in the IT charter and internal regulations.
We do not tolerate any form of disrespectful behaviour, violence or harassment. In the course of their professional activities, the company’s employees are asked to behave responsibly and with respect for others.
We take into account current employment laws and regulations and aim to ensure professional equality between men and women.
From an environmental point of view, we encourage the development and dissemination of environmentally-friendly technologies and encourage our employees to make rational use of the consumables available to them (paper, ink and toner cartridges, etc.). We reduce the need to travel by improving the way we work.
For several years now, we have been subject to an annual CSR assessment by EcoVadis, the platform for evaluating CSR performance and responsible purchasing.
EcoVadis awarded Activeo a bronze medal for its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Read the press release.
Carbon footprint
Activeo has been awarded a silver medal by Greenly, the leading climate performance assessment company, underlining its strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
Assessing emissions from scopes 1, 2 and 3, Activeo achieved a total of 579 TCO2e, placing it in the top 15% of companies worldwide in terms of climate strategy.
This recognition reflects Activeo’s determination to reduce its impact on the climate.
#Activeo makes a commitment to the planet
CSR Charter
A few years ago, Activeo adopted a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) charter to formalise and strengthen its commitment to sustainable development. It defines the principles and objectives that the company is committed to respecting in its day-to-day activities, such as reducing its environmental footprint, the well-being and training of its employees, and its involvement in the local community. This charter demonstrates Activeo’s desire to be a responsible player committed to a more sustainable future.
Ethics & Compliance
We have an anti-corruption code of conduct, which helps us to combat corruption and influence peddling. Everyone is required to avoid situations of conflict of interest that could harm the company and is asked to show honesty, loyalty and respect towards our customers, suppliers and partners.
For further information, please contact us at [email protected].