For several years now, the customer experience has been at the heart of the concerns of the vast majority of companies and organizations, regardless of their sector of activity, their field of intervention or their size.

This challenge has given rise to real transformation projects, aimed at placing the customer and the employee interacting with the customer at the center of all concerns.

Moreover, today and even more so tomorrow, when a customer decides to contact a consultant, it is because he or she feels the desire and need to interact with a human being and is looking for what characterizes a human relationship with added value, namely empathy and emotion.

Consequently, the awnser provided by the advisor must be in line with these new expectations and evolve towards more personalization and emotional intelligence (i.e. understanding the other without necessarily verbalizing it)

It is from this more “customer-centric” vision that certain Customer Relationship Quality certifications, such as NF 365 or ISO 18 295, have been inspired. They now include a strong customer dimension, illustrated in particular by an evolution of the themes to be evaluated during interactions.

The quality delivered is therefore undergoing a significant change in its history. The evaluation grids that were once very structured and mainly evaluated the process vision, with a rather binary measurement, are tending to be replaced by shorter forms that integrate the customer vision.

Evaluate few criteria but the right ones, and include various more subjective notions such as taking into account the customer’s situation! This is the key word today.

Thus, measuring and monitoring customer orientation, the quality and efficiency of interactions between customers and customer service representatives is becoming a major challenge for any company that is transforming itself through the customer experience and the employee experience.

It is precisely this challenge that the deployment of a Quality Monitoring (QM) solution addresses.

What benefits can you expect from a Quality Monitoring solution?

The Quality Monitoring of a customer service consists of listening to and evaluating the interactions between a customer and a consultant. This provides a “global vision” of the quality and performance of the customer service, as well as an “individual vision”, allowing the definition of support actions to be carried out with each employee.

Business Benefits:

Benefits for employees:

More and more functionally rich solutions

A certain number of solutions on the Quality Monitoring market today offer advanced functionalities, responding either to a need to evaluate all customer interactions or to a need for advanced targeting of the interactions to be evaluated.

How to give yourself every chance to succeed in your Quality Monitoring project?

As with any project, certain key success factors must be taken into account at the start of the initiative:

For 25 years, the Activeo group has been accompanying companies in France and abroad towards relational excellence.

The complementarity of our three businesses (consulting, integration and application development) allows us to respond to 4 major challenges facing companies

Activeo has been a member of the AFNOR “NF345 – Customer Relations” brand committee for many years, as well as the ISO “Service Excellence” standardization committee.

Activeo is also a member of the LimeBridge International Alliance.